Once upon a time...
Once upon a time, a girl admitted that she fell in love deeply into someone's heart. A hard fall it was but the boy did not feel the same way. Maybe he did, but he never showed it anyway.
A girl kept using the mask that she did not love him, so did the boy. They were doing it for years until the girl gave him up to another girl. The end?
Once upon a time, a girl with a sad eyes cried every night over a boy while a boy was crawling to get her back. But, it never happened because the wish was already dead. As dead as the star they believed they wished for.
A boy was never sure of himself, being with his girl. Neither did the girl. She was never sure of her feelings, of herself, of her existence. And they were bridled on the eternal absurdity until their body were buried into grave yard. The end?
Once upon a time, a boy said he was sorry that he was too blind not to see. In other way, the girl was already deaf to hear the sound of the boy's heart.
A intention to make others hurt in order to make ourselves happy was not in the girl's list, so she decided to let everything go. As deep as she loved that boy, she loved the one who loves her now even more. Because in the end, the love you take will be equal with the love you give. It happened not in the form you liked it. The end?
A girl kept using the mask that she did not love him, so did the boy. They were doing it for years until the girl gave him up to another girl. The end?
Once upon a time, a girl with a sad eyes cried every night over a boy while a boy was crawling to get her back. But, it never happened because the wish was already dead. As dead as the star they believed they wished for.
A boy was never sure of himself, being with his girl. Neither did the girl. She was never sure of her feelings, of herself, of her existence. And they were bridled on the eternal absurdity until their body were buried into grave yard. The end?
Once upon a time, a boy said he was sorry that he was too blind not to see. In other way, the girl was already deaf to hear the sound of the boy's heart.
A intention to make others hurt in order to make ourselves happy was not in the girl's list, so she decided to let everything go. As deep as she loved that boy, she loved the one who loves her now even more. Because in the end, the love you take will be equal with the love you give. It happened not in the form you liked it. The end?
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