
Paris, 2017, Taken by Christoffer Wantania
I'm such a whore when it comes to a bookstore
I'm such a whore when it comes to a bookstore
Because there's where I grow
Yes, a bookstore

My mind is a state of war
And, me, is just one girl sitting in the bar
Peace I shall find in a shelf
Lovers in covers
Sentence by sentence
When people only find acceptance

So book I would carry around
Since a book is like a door
To answer all of my 'what for'

In book I read, life is uncertain, the wise man said
Life offers me otherwise
I know,
That some people making another people their bait
They ain't great, they ain't great, they contain too much hate

You gonna carry that weight...for a long time,
Time after time, after time,
Until unrhyme poet becomes a crime

Because people always complicate
Because people always abominate
For that reason, I can't thinking straight

Look, look, look,
War, war, war,
Mistrust, mistrust, mistrust,
Greed, greed, greed
Everybody doing it by hook or by crook
Every man for himself, the wise man said

Older I am
Wiser I'll be
Because I know,
Book and people really ain't along to be

I remember time slows,
When I read A Tale of Two Cities
Stay at home I am
Alone I am not
Since Dickens hold me tight

Books are my afterglow
Books are my weeping willow
It helps me bloom against any gloom

What would you do? The wise man asked
I don't know, I said in my heart

Humanity may absence, but not leave
There's always something to give or to fight for the light

Since I believe, sincere is 'on the qui vive'
And kindness can cure this world blindness 

27 March 2017


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