The Lightbulb and The Cereal Bowl

East Java, 2017, Taken by Jessy Ismoyo
By late night, I can't sleep,
I need something to munch
So, I had milk and whole wheat cereal in my knitwear
Reading Voltaire in my old dusty chair

Ten light bulb...
Fan noise...
Humid weather...
Life is a comedy, and a book is a remedy
Isn't it?

But my mind isn't there, it's never really there
I feel that the clock and the painting stare at me
In the place where I used to pray
Stealing the air...
Sparing the despair...

By late night, I sit there, eating, with a hurricane in my soul
I read two lines in Candide that succesfully make a hole
"You are bitter man," said Candide
"That's because I've lived," said Martin
That part is such a tone
And I'm subdued like the only wheat in my cereal bowl

Rain is dropping
The sky is storming
All lightning bolt comes without warning
I sit there, twirling the milk and whole wheat cereal,
Smiling bitterly and wandering, 
If there's a way of returning

Do you know that we are all sunk in key hole?
Drown with anxiety for chasing a goal
Or, just there, being what we are
Wishing to be a whole like all wheat in cereal bowl

28 March 2017


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