A Poem: Ethereal

Salatiga, 2017, Jessy Ismoyo.

Vice in solemnity
Sacrifice in mass
All is bitterly written in liturgy
People think they are wiser after singing with the choir
People think they are humble after giving charity
but they can't forgive their enemy
they grow jealousy
and despairingly living in adultery

We search,
we purge,
we merge,
in church

'The girl's dead,' someone said
Heard the bells,
Silence dispersed,
Sacred heart...remained apart

Requiem mass
Funeral rites
The dead looked nice
The living must pay the price
and listen to some advices, from pastor who assaulted the dead
All his sins spread in bed
The dead left misread with many truths unsaid

All cries
All says goodbyes
All asks whys

Delicate words
Violent rages
Broken promises
Celestial body
Ancestral spirit
The dead had its limit

She wrote metaphysical poetry
     one divine entity;
that have ethereal quality

She was so other-worldly
     most partly because the green light
In her funeral,
   two men read what she wrote
  'I was dead, that February, I was dead with full of hate in my head,'
the second said:
'The one who would give the funeral mass...for he sinned, for he was the one who left bloodstain but failed to attain'

Green light,
the dead sliding through the grass
in the evening mass
for she couldn't fight
Green light,
she took her own sight,
she ended her own life at midnight

29 August 2017
(To RS)


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