100% Bragging, I Must Admit

Knorr ads, Unilever Indonesia
JAKARTA  — I know. This time, it's 100% bragging myself of being shown in one of Unilever ads. At least, now I crossed off one thing on my wish list: seeing myself in the big ads on the street, something I always think it's imposible to happen, but weirdly happened.

My friend asked me if I can help her or not. I said yes without thinking. It's lending hand for a help anyway, why should I thinking twice? Surprisingly, I need to be a talent for a photoshoot that lasted a day long. I was surprised on how easy money could be earn in this kind of industry. Really. This is my first time doing ads and now I understand half of this process going. Truth: it was fun! Fun because I met many new people and chit-chatting about their lives. I met young man from Africa that study in Bandung for his postgraduate, I met a man who works in this industry for years, I also see my friend doing her job perfectly and much more.

One thing I can learn from all this, is never say no to the new things you haven't experienced before. Always keep your door open to new possibilities. It will be scary at first but unforgettable at last. Believe me.

Ps. I know this post is 100% bragging of which not good, but let's see it this way: this is my another small milestones that should be cherished about. Okay?

With love,
Jessy Ismoyo


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