High Impact Project: Young People Without Borders (related to any kind of social issues)
Why we as young generation should be participated more and more to humanitarian issues? Let me tell you why: first, as a young people - we think way different from the old people, we always make things more interesting (not looked as a lame shit things), cooler, and way easier to understand. Who says getting involved in activism act is only for those who's smartass, who's always think, and not cool at all? That kind of stigma of which we have to overthrow. You say I'm cliché because of saying these things?
Second, if we don't do anything, who will? You might say that it's not your bussiness. Let I have my own shit while others do theirs. As I always make you remember, every single thing you do bring something to the society. Why? Because you did a little thing that society might do as well. Vice versa. Individual freedom and system.
Last, do love your country, if you see something wrong, do something, stop complaining. Hard? So why not? The hard that makes its worth it. But still, it's impossible? You think?
Second, if we don't do anything, who will? You might say that it's not your bussiness. Let I have my own shit while others do theirs. As I always make you remember, every single thing you do bring something to the society. Why? Because you did a little thing that society might do as well. Vice versa. Individual freedom and system.
Last, do love your country, if you see something wrong, do something, stop complaining. Hard? So why not? The hard that makes its worth it. But still, it's impossible? You think?
I know.
I understand.
That's why I wanna show you something.
The cool part about getting involved in humanitary act.
Why the young generation should do more and more on things like this.
Rapist is the issue that we heard lately, not only in international forum but also in our country, Indonesia. As you remember, last year, a girl who got raped in public transport when she's got back late - and there are several men in government said that the blame went to that girl because using 'rok mini'. Pathetic isn't it? How patriarchy system inked deep into our society and women are getting blame because of something that she's not doing. Reflect it to yourself. What if you're in that position. Giving an easy example, back in high school, have you ever experienced things like this? When boys use mirror to peek what's behind your school skirt? Worse? Got rapped by reason like 'you are women, so it's your duty to make us, men, fulfill our sexual needs' and then they can do whatever they wanna do to you? Have you? Have you not? Do you care?
Things like this happened, not because by accident. Rapist exists because there's no law against it. Society alwyas has this tendency, tendency to blame women for being dressed to sexy - when they, personally, can't hold their stupid gusto kind of lust. I don't blame men for this, I blame paradigms that not put women and men in equal - so things like this happened.
Don't you feel ashamed?
For any men, don't you? Being judged as kind of person who can't be able to control theirselves, especially when it goes to sexual issues? Don't you feel ashamed when you can't control your own penis? You should be able to do that, especially for those who said that women got the blame for using appropriate clothes in public. Like hey? Why us? Why women?
You see?
This thing is crucial and this crucial things need a lot attention.
To change something big, you have to be bold.
And, us, young people, can do way way way further than we do now.
I blogwalked and then found this.
How young people in New York, did kind of protest about rapist and ask governemnt to do more than they did now.
I mean it has a lot of different meanings when an act of protest go along with style, fashion, and any creative things that usually popped up in our mind.
An act of protest through government is not only about politic, it could be like this - an inspiring way to protest.
Why wouldn't we try?
(for details article, go check http://rookiemag.com/2011/10/slutwalk/)
do something!
Be the young bright people that changes this country.
Don't be the people who said 'Ini Indonesia, negeri yang dengan sedih aku cinta.'
(for details article, go check http://rookiemag.com/2011/10/slutwalk/)
do something!
Be the young bright people that changes this country.
Don't be the people who said 'Ini Indonesia, negeri yang dengan sedih aku cinta.'
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